Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What IS biblical womanhood??

A sketch by Dan Andreason
concerning Ruth (Ruth 2:15,16)

One of my favorite blogs, rachelheldevans.com has really got me thinking.

As a girl who was raised in the church from birth, I have been taught about "Biblical Womanhood."

But what is that exactly?

I've sat through countless classes taught on the Proverbs 31 woman, and really had it pounded into my head, that the bible is very clear on women's roles in the home and in the church.  I laugh thinking about it, because when I was about college age and doing a missionary apprenticeship, all the ladies were subjected to a "ladies chapel" every once in a while and all of us younger girls would just cringe at the thought of it and lovingly referred to it as "chick chapel."  It was in those "chick chapels" that the rules of biblical womanhood were ingrained in us as much as possible.

Rachel's quote on facebook the other day really set the wheels in my head turning. She said, "Been researching the Proverbs 31 woman lately: Leave it to evangelicals to turn a poem into a job description."

HA! I literally laughed out loud, and then automatically thought of chick chapel.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I am a huge proponent for being a Godly woman, but I can't help but wonder if the scriptures have been twisted a little too much in this area. There have been a lot of lessons taught on various aspects of this subject, but how much is truth from the bible and how much is opinion?

I would love to discuss this and hear from others (not just women (-:) on this..does anyone else out there have the same doubts? What have you found in your studies?  Just Curious. 


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