Friday, June 3, 2011

Cute•Funny•Sweet•and a little Weird

My kids say the cutest, funniest, sweetest things. If you are a parent you know what I'm talking about. Picture this: You are going on with your daily activities and then out of no where, your child says something that stops you in your tracks. You look at them and think (and maybe say out loud), "Where did you come from?!", "Where did you think of that?!", or you may even think, "What on earth does that mean?!". I think maybe these things happen to me a little more often than the average parent.

I mean really people, their father is the "Unsensored Sean".... 
Need I say more? 

So I am going to start keeping track of the wackiest, craziest, sweetest, most thought provoking, confusing, and memorable things that my kids say and I will share them here under this topic: 
Cute•Funny•Sweet•and a little Weird 

Me- What a great day. 
Ella (3yrs)- yeah 
Me- God is so good. We are so blessed. Huh, Ella? 
Ella- Yes, He is our superhero.

*WARNING!!! If you are easily offended by words that kids use when referring to certain human anatomy, please do not ready the "funny" section of this post! I will not be held responsible for any offense taken... But my sister Mandy would be glad to take the heat for it! Ha ha...
Sorry Mandy. :) 

Let me set the scene for you... My parents live about 2 hours away from us. Occasionally, when they have been separated from their grandkids, for more than two minutes, they make a trip to our house have dinner with us and then go back home. This time we were at Cracker Barrell. Our mom just had chemo, and a series of surgeries, to treat Breast Cancer. Ella usually prays "for Nana's hair to come back" but Since Nana's hair has started coming back, she hasn't known what to pray for her. 

Ok, now....

Read on...

Sean (my husband)- Ok, let's pray before we eat. Papa, you wanna pray?
Papa- Sure! 
Ella- (in a very loud voice that could be heard from Oklahoma all the way to South Africa) No! I wanna pray! 
Everyone at the table- OK, Ella! Shhhhhhh!! You can pray! 
Ella- Dear God, thank you so much for today. We just want to thank you for our food. Please be with Ashley and help her back to feel better. Please be with Nana and help her ( long pause.... This is usually when she says "help her hair to come back") but Ella shoots her eyes toward Nana and very sincerely says.... ........ And....... And, be with Nana and help her BOOBIES to feel better. In Jesus Name, Amen. 

Grey- I love my dad. ( I know, this one doesn't really have a punch line or even a juicy story to go along with it. Grey just says this several times a week at random times when Sean is at work. He loves his dad, and they have such an amazing bond. I love that my kids have such a wonderful daddy that when he is gone, his absence is uncomfortable, and all they want is to be with him.... I'd say that is the sweetest thing ever.... Wouldn't you? ) 

A little weird~
Ella- Mom, you smell like a Jupiter jump. 
Me- thanks, Ella? (this was after I got home from a workout) 

Ok, what some of the cutest, funniest, sweetest, and weirdest things your kids have said to you recently? I know you've got some great ones... Let us hear them!
